Monday, December 11, 2006

Week 3

I’m not a practicing journalist and I can only view the strengths and weaknesses
in Print, Broadcast, Online and Mobile thru my own experiences, opinion as a reader, viewer, surfer (internet surfer) and a mobile enthusiast.

Print Media, I get informations thru newspapers (Broadsheet and Tabloids) and also in magazines. I get to read and be informed thru its articles and I consider it as a very helpful tool to be updated on current events. As for its weaknesses, some newspapers write long articles that sometimes details in certain events tend to go around the bush rather than straight to the point.

Broadcast Media, I listen to the radio all the time for news because I find it easier and direct to the point when the radio announcer delivers the news. Although sometimes they tend to talk too fast and I don’t get much of the details.

Online, I can say that this media certainly gives more help not only informing us about news but also caters and gives us a lot of information in all fields. I certainly love being online all the time because I get to search for informations or news articles (past and present) and get to read them again. It is good to use especially when we are researching. Its flaw, is that if we don’t have an internet connection naturally won’t experience being in cyberspace. Also sometimes if the net connection is too slow it takes time to download all informations.

Mobile, as for this media it gives news too and informations which the mobile network offers each of their subscribers, but we have to subscribe and pay for it which at times makes it not that appealing. Also, news sent thru mobile contains some missing words and cut off from the whole news article.

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