Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Week 8

Different tools are made and developed by those people who aspire to make life fast and easy, surely they have succeeded and proved that it truly helps.

In the media world, tools are essential to make everything work. It helps everything set and be delivered easily, faster and properly.

For example in Print media, tools like typewriters are used to print all the news articles, they publish, but thru time, people have discovered and developed computers and surely it had made printing and writing articles, news stories easy and faster. It saves time and energy and gives out a very comfortable setting for the user. There are also other tools that have been developed and which helps every work easy for a writer and a reporter to accomplish their jobs properly, efficiently and meet their deadlines. Also, camera is a must for print media, it is a given that reporters need pictures to go with their stories and thru time cameras are also developed to be a user friendly, these days digital cameras are a very much a the “user friendly” type rather the big old cameras that they’ve used before and which also needs films to operate it, digital cameras helps the reporter upload pictures on the computer and easily attached it to their articles. A lot of tools have been developed and being use at present. It certainly helps the reporter, each and every worker in a publishing company or any other fields in the media world. It assures a very productive work environment.

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